
Showing posts from November, 2010

Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR)

Salam.. Most people in teaching field have known about Standard Curriculum for Primary School or Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah which will be implemented starting next year 2011 for Year 1 kids. As syllabus, new textbooks, new activity books.. everything is new. I went for a course regarding this new improvised curriculum for English Language. Although I am not teaching Year 1 next year, but this course benefited me as I know which direction this new curriculum will bring our kids. In my personal opinion, I think we will produce pupils with better English Language acquisition. By using the modular approach, pupils will be taught starting with basics literacy skills, then language arts and grammar. The phonic strategy , which I like the most since I was in college, is introduced so that the pupils will read and speak with correct English pronunciation and enunciation. However, I think teachers might need more time to practise using the sound or what we call the phoneme...

Be +ve think +ve's been a long time I haven't write anything on this blog. SInce the last Ramadhan, I didn't feel like writing anything. My life was up and down till this moment, but I'm glad that Allah still loves me and give me strength to go through all the pain and sadness. Bercerita tentang pain and sadness, ada perkara yang berlaku dalam hidup yang betul-betul memberi pengajaran kepada saya. I'm not sure whether I had faced this kind of situation before tapi tidak pernah ambil pengajaran, but this time yes, I really learned something from it. Dulu semasa di mrsm,tengah lepak-lepak dalam surau, ada kawan pernah bertanya tentang apa yang kita harus buat bila kita dianiaya ataupun disakiti hati oleh seseorang. Saya: Yang penting kita kena bersabar dulu dan istigfar banyak-banyak. A: Perlu ke kita balas dendam pada dia? Sakit hati sangat-sangat. Saya: Buat apa kita balas? Allah kata kalau dia buat kita, dia menang 1...kita balas then kita menang akan jadi seri 1-1....