Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah (KSSR)

Salam.. Most people in teaching field have known about Standard Curriculum for Primary School or Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah which will be implemented starting next year 2011 for Year 1 kids. As usual..new syllabus, new textbooks, new activity books.. everything is new. I went for a course regarding this new improvised curriculum for English Language. Although I am not teaching Year 1 next year, but this course benefited me as I know which direction this new curriculum will bring our kids. In my personal opinion, I think we will produce pupils with better English Language acquisition. By using the modular approach, pupils will be taught starting with basics literacy skills, then language arts and grammar. The phonic strategy , which I like the most since I was in college, is introduced so that the pupils will read and speak with correct English pronunciation and enunciation. However, I think teachers might need more time to practise using the sound or what we call the phoneme...