Salam and hi to everyone...
I decided to write a blog consistently (finally and hopefully...hehe). I've seen and read so many good blogs written by my friends and I think I should follow them and started mine. I had few blogs before...
bungakertas.blogspot (the journey)
I don't know how to get accessed to this blog since I've forgotten my email address that I used for this blog and unfortunately I closed the blog from the public for editting purposes. So nobody can't access this blog so I guess I should just forget about the blog.
mymumherbs.blogspot (Halal Wal Barokah)
I opened this blog because my brother requested me to do so. This blog is for our business purposes - promoting HPA products etc. Because I don't have much time and materials for updating this blog before this so I might take some time to get it updated. Hopefully this could be done in this few weeks before my brother asks me again about this blog..heheh~
arangdankertas.blogspot (Arang dan Kertas)
My second personal blog after the bungakertas 'the journey'. I had one entry or two... I guess... and I deleted the blog because at that point of time, I couldn't update the blog and always felt regret about that.
......blogspot (Singgah Sejenak)
I share this blog with a friend. We wanted to experiment and practise our skills in editting and blogging so we created this blog together. However this blog is not opened for public as this blog is our 'guiney pig' to learn on how to blog and edit a blog. However.... this blog may be opened to public later... insyaAllah. I didn't put the address above because I think I would like to change the current address before we open this blog to public yet I have to discuss it with my friend first. Well, syura is the best when we do something in a group, right?
FOUR blogs and this one.... FIVE altogether... so this means that I'm not really new to this blogging thing. It just a matter of writing and updating the blog which was quite hard for me before this...I don't really know why but it doesn't matter now. I hope I can maintain this blog as well as my other blogs...
ID bungakertas
I used this name since 2 years ago (quite a long time right...) for my old blog 'the journey' and I used the name until today I changed the name to 'anggerikertas'. I like the old name so much but I googled the name and discovered a blog with the blogger's name 'bungakertas' so I decided I don't want people to get confused with the name so I chose to have another name. Anggerik or orchid is my favourite flower and I love to have the word 'kertas' for my blog(s). I wanted to have 'anggerikrimba' or 'anggerik ungu' but we already have them in the blogging arena. So I think 'anggerikertas' is the best choice for now.
So...that was the story of my 'journey' in this blogging thing. As I've said, I'm not really new to this arena. But I hope my friends out there who have been writing good blogs can help me and give advice about this blogging arena.
I'm glad to remind the readers that this is my personal blog, will be full with personal recounts, personal opinions and thoughts, personal reflections of my personal life, personal etc etc. Some entries will be reader friendly to some people and some will be to others. The friendliness is subjective to every person who's reading this blog so I hope people won't question me why this blog entries are too heavy or light to be read, why this blog entries like this or like that. And, I welcome opinions about the topics discussed in this blog and any new ideas for the blog.
I hope I can regularly update this blog. And I hope people out there enjoy reading this blog. =)
I decided to write a blog consistently (finally and hopefully...hehe). I've seen and read so many good blogs written by my friends and I think I should follow them and started mine. I had few blogs before...
bungakertas.blogspot (the journey)
I don't know how to get accessed to this blog since I've forgotten my email address that I used for this blog and unfortunately I closed the blog from the public for editting purposes. So nobody can't access this blog so I guess I should just forget about the blog.
mymumherbs.blogspot (Halal Wal Barokah)
I opened this blog because my brother requested me to do so. This blog is for our business purposes - promoting HPA products etc. Because I don't have much time and materials for updating this blog before this so I might take some time to get it updated. Hopefully this could be done in this few weeks before my brother asks me again about this blog..heheh~
arangdankertas.blogspot (Arang dan Kertas)
My second personal blog after the bungakertas 'the journey'. I had one entry or two... I guess... and I deleted the blog because at that point of time, I couldn't update the blog and always felt regret about that.
......blogspot (Singgah Sejenak)
I share this blog with a friend. We wanted to experiment and practise our skills in editting and blogging so we created this blog together. However this blog is not opened for public as this blog is our 'guiney pig' to learn on how to blog and edit a blog. However.... this blog may be opened to public later... insyaAllah. I didn't put the address above because I think I would like to change the current address before we open this blog to public yet I have to discuss it with my friend first. Well, syura is the best when we do something in a group, right?
FOUR blogs and this one.... FIVE altogether... so this means that I'm not really new to this blogging thing. It just a matter of writing and updating the blog which was quite hard for me before this...I don't really know why but it doesn't matter now. I hope I can maintain this blog as well as my other blogs...
ID bungakertas
I used this name since 2 years ago (quite a long time right...) for my old blog 'the journey' and I used the name until today I changed the name to 'anggerikertas'. I like the old name so much but I googled the name and discovered a blog with the blogger's name 'bungakertas' so I decided I don't want people to get confused with the name so I chose to have another name. Anggerik or orchid is my favourite flower and I love to have the word 'kertas' for my blog(s). I wanted to have 'anggerikrimba' or 'anggerik ungu' but we already have them in the blogging arena. So I think 'anggerikertas' is the best choice for now.
So...that was the story of my 'journey' in this blogging thing. As I've said, I'm not really new to this arena. But I hope my friends out there who have been writing good blogs can help me and give advice about this blogging arena.
I'm glad to remind the readers that this is my personal blog, will be full with personal recounts, personal opinions and thoughts, personal reflections of my personal life, personal etc etc. Some entries will be reader friendly to some people and some will be to others. The friendliness is subjective to every person who's reading this blog so I hope people won't question me why this blog entries are too heavy or light to be read, why this blog entries like this or like that. And, I welcome opinions about the topics discussed in this blog and any new ideas for the blog.
I hope I can regularly update this blog. And I hope people out there enjoy reading this blog. =)
huhu nad dah jadi blogger... gud luck2 btw jgn lupa grading gayong... jum kita pakat ganyang junior hehehehe.... (Jahat tol) muahahaha.
ReplyDeleteof course i will enjoy reading this blog. Ive stopped blogging, at least for now. nk jadi blog reader plaks. Rajen2 update ye kak nad. Miss you. See u kat msia nnt. yeay!
ReplyDeletemiss you too dear tiku...can't wait to see u!!
ReplyDelete~Congrats my dear fren! Maybe u should attach your novel as well.. ha'akan,habes dak sbnaqnya tulis novel tu?~
ReplyDeletehaha...xabeh2 lagi smpai ujung2 cerita tu dh xmcm yg asal sgt...ada twist aku rasa cm same je keadaan kita skrg dgn yg dlm novel tu..huhu