To manage your life better through lies

I watched the Oprah Show few days back. She interviewed a woman named Rielle Hunter, who had (is having) an affair with John Edwards, a former senator of North Carolina. It's nothing much. Oprah asked her about the affair and a child she's having with him. But what I was interested of is how she said about John.

Oprah asked her how much she could trust him and his love with all the lies he had made through the media and public to cover up their scandal. Did she trust his love and promises when at the same time, he told the public that he didn't have any relationship with her.

She said that she trusted him. She believed that the lies he had made were just 'to make things better' and 'to correct things up'. To get back the good reputation, to maintain his good profile and at the same time to make the scandal private. She believed that deep in his heart, the love was there for her. Although she realised that at the end of it, things didn't worked out like what he wanted. People got the news and the love story flew and was widespread to the public. He still couldn't use the lies 'to make the things better'.

Politicians or public figures sometimes (usually) lie in order to maintain their good reputation. Sometimes when a person is highly respected by people, they probably have to lie to make them look perfect though human is imperfect and can always make mistakes.

Bila hidup tak ada kejujuran, sememangnya hidup takkan tenang. I've experienced it in my life. Bila saya tidak jujur bercerita tentang diri saya, keadaan memang tunggang langgang. Penat untuk sembunyi, penat menipu, penat rasa bersalah menyembunyikan apa yang sebenarnya sedang berlaku dalam hidup kita.

But I wonder how could some people bear with this kind of life. The life like John had. I don't have any idea how enjoyable that kind of life is. Maybe, kita akan gembira kerana semua orang masih memandang tinggi pada kita dan menyangka kita orang yang sangat baik. But tidak penat kah menyembunyikan perkara-perkara yang berlaku dalam hidup dan mungkin juga menyakitkan hati orang-orang yang terlibat di dalam persembunyian itu? For me, it's tiring.

What about you? Feel free to comment.


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